PAROMA-MED at Digital Health Event in Treviso

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On 23rd Feb Project coordinator Alessandro Bassi, EURESCOM presented project PAROMA-MED – Privacy Aware and Privacy Preserving Distributed and Robust Machine Learning for Medical Applications at the event digital health, IoT technologies for the workforce support” in Treviso.

He introduced project PAROMA-MED that aims to develop, validate and evaluate a platform – based hybrid-cloud delivery framework for privacy- and security- assured services and applications in federative cross-border environments. The presentation led to interesting talks and discussion at the event .

ISRAA presented Project ValueCare Dynamo PCP and the Regional HODT Project about IoT and digital twinning use in older care scenarios.

Thanks to IOTITALY and T2i Treviso for organizing and having a platform to create synergies in the digital health domain.


Key words: Digital Health, Data, Security, Platform,Care

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