PAROMA-MED builds a unique platform

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Project PAROMA-MED builds platform to develop, validate and evaluate a platform-based (edge – central cloud) delivery framework for privacy- and security – assured services and applications in federative cross-border environments.

The project consortium will work across the following main work item/research topics:

  • Embedment of security algorithms within virtualized network services (research)
  • Design of the edge nodes compatible with the mirco-services virtualization concept (work item)
  • Embedment of watermarking algorithms for data ownership identification (research)
  • AI/ML logic for cardiological data processing and diagnosis generation (research)
  • Definition of a network architecture for serverless data communication using hybrid cloud technologies (work item)

The project aims to provide improved scalable and reliable privacy-preserving technologies for federated processing of personal data and their integration in real-world systems. More user-friendly solutions for privacy-preserving processing of federated personal data registries by researchers. It will also work on improving privacy-preserving technologies for cyber threat intelligence and data sharing solution. Contribute to promotion of GDPR compliant European data spaces for digital services and research (in synergy with topic DATA-01-2021 of Horizon Europe Cluster 4) and strengthen European ecosystem of open source developers and researchers of privacy-preserving solutions.

PAROMA-MED project team at the kick-off meeting in Heidelberg in July 22

The PAROMA-MED project is performed by an international consortium of 9 organisations with complementary capabilities:

  1. Eurescom GmbH, Germany
  2. Agentscape AG
  3. Ericsson Telecomunicazioni S.p.A.
  4. Institut Mines-Télécom
  5. Qualtek
  7. Ubitech
  8. Université de Rennes 1
  9. 6G Health Innovations Service GmbH



This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement no. 101070222.


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