PAROMA-MED Presents at Easinet

On 10th March PAROMA-MED’s Technical Manager Kostas Koutsopoulos (Qualtek SRL) presented how PAROMA-MED ideas have been consolidated into a realistic value proposition of what the project has defined as “Functional GDPR” at the 2nd Scientific Remote Meeting of EASiNet projects. EASiNet brings together several European funded projects to collaborate on AI and cybersecurity in different fields. EASiNet aims to raise awareness, exchange project results, promote open science, and develop common strategies for project exploitation. EASiNet invites collaborations to work together and address critical issues in the intersection of AI and cybersecurity. From the project, he is actively involved in the Scientific Committee of the European AI Security Network (EASiNet) for the organisation of the Crosstalk Event.

During the 2nd Scientific Remote Meeting of EASiNet projects PAROMA MED and HARPOCRATES preseneted technical insights and engaged with the community. There was particular emphasis on the empowerment of the individual (aka data subject or citizen) with respect the value of their consent and how their options can be reflected in data discovery and utilization. Apart from the presentation, a short overview of a recorded demonstration illustrating the uilisation of the project dashboards was also presented.

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