Advanced Network Slicing in 5G Telecommunications: Innovations in PCE Algorithms for Enhanced Security and Privacy A new patent has been recently published by the PAROMA-MED partner Ericsson that includes advanced […] 


From 3rd June to 6th June EuCNC & 6G Summit was held in the diamond city of Europe – The Antwerp. This conference focuses on all aspects of telecommunications ranging […] 

PAROMA-MED held its 7th Plenary Meeting in Athens, Greece, hosted by UBITECH partner

PAROMA-MED partners met in Athens between the 26th and 28th of February 2024 to hold their 7th Plenary Meeting hosted and organised by UBITECH. It was three days of collaboration, […] 

PAROMA-MED at European Cyber Week

From 21-23 November 2023, communication in ECW – European Cyber Week, was organized in Rennes . During this conference, PAROMA-MED partners from Thales, Mohammed Lansari presented watermarking in the context […] 

6th Plenary PAROMA-MED

From 13-15November 2023, PAROMA-MED consortium came together, this time in Paris (France) for the 6th Plenary meeting which was organized by our partners from Thales. The plenary was organized in […] 

Publication: Machine Learning & knowledge extraction

A new publication from the project PAROMA-MED is published by the partners Thales/IMT  on When Federated Learning meets Watermarking: A Comprehensive Overview of Techniques for Intellectual Property Protection, published in […] 

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